Agara epimachia epimachia

Fairly common 100-1100 m., probably higher and lower. Attracted to bait and mud.

Similar species: Similar species (eg. A. draudti, Myscelus phoronis phoronis) have a hyaline patch on HW.

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Myscelus draudti

Rare(?) 1100-1400 m. Attracted to bait; also puddles.

Similar species: Similar species (A. epimachia epimachia and Myscelus phoronis phoronis, for example) do not have blackened veins DHW. Semi-hyaline spot in cell on HW often obscured in fresh individuals.

(1400 m., Fundo Armorique, Junin)

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1400 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

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