Hylephila phyleus anca/andina

Localy common 1400-3300 m. in dry and semi-humid habitats. Found in grassy areas, including those heavily disturbed; visits flowers and mud. Subspecies anca and andina are very similar and may overlap in Cusco; anca tends to be more lightly marked on V, and may usually be found in drier areas, with andina at more humid sites. More research is needed. The nominate subspecies (I have no definite Cusco records) may also occur locally, including lowlands. All subspecies are combined on map.

Similar species: D can be very similar to H. peruana; best distinguished by V.

1400 m., Quebrada Honda, Calca

2900 m., Marcapata, Quispicanchi

3100 m., Above Challabamba, Paucartambo

Hylephila peruana

Locally (seasonally?) common 3550-4050 m. Found in puna and villages; visits flowers and mud.

Similar species: See H. phyleus; other similar species may occur very locally, but all seems much rarer than peruana.

4050 m., Laguna Humantay, Anta

3600 m., Soraypampa, Anta

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