Mylon zephus albodiscus

Fairly common 900-1600 m. Puddles; attracted to bait and spitwads.

Similar species: M. illineatus does not have the cell-end vein DHW darkened.

1600 m., Madre Selva, La Convencion

Mylon illineatus

Common up to 1100 m. Puddles; attracted to bait. Subspecies in Cusco should be the nominate, but many resemble M. i. toxina.

Similar species: M. zephus has the cell-end vein DHW darkened.

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Mylon ander ander

Unommon up to 1100 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Mylon maimon

Unommon(?) up to 550 m., probably somewhat higher. Attracted to bait, mud, and spitwads.

Similar species: M. cajus cajus lacks sharp marginal chevons D.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

Mylon cajus cajus

Common 1050-1350m. Attracted to bait, mud, and spitwads.

Similar species: See M. maimon.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

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