Pyrrhopyge aziza troja

Uncommon 1050-1200(higher?) m. Usually found puddling; also attracted to bait and spitwads.

Similar species: Marginal pattern DHW is distinctive.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge infantilis infantilis

Fairly common(?) 1050-1150 m. Attracted to bait, spitwads, and mud.

Similar species: Much bluer throughout D than similar species.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge phidias [bixae-type]

Rare(?) at 1050 m., probably lower. Attracted to bait, spitwads, mud, and flowers. The taxonomy of P. phidias is unresolved.

Similar species: ?

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge phidias leucoloma

Fairly common 1100-1350 m. Attracted to bait and mud.

Similar species: P. sergius ganus has a narrower white margin VHW, and has the red on the top of the head not extending to back of eyes. Others?

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1100 m., Quebrada Honda, Calca

Pyrrhopyge sp.

Rare(?) at 600 m. Puddles.

Similar species: This specimen resembles P. cressoni (I have no Cusco records) but lacks red on the 'chest' (ventral side of abdomen).

600 m., Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

600 m., Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

600 m., Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge sergius ganus

Rare(?) 900-1350 m. Puddles.

Similar species: P. phidias leucoloma has a wider white margin VHW and more extensive red on the top of the head, extending to back of eyes. Others?

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge arax

Uncommon at 1000-1500 m. Puddles; attracted to spitwads.

Similar species: P. phylleia (I have no Cusco records) has the orange margin VHW narrow at tornus, widening towards apex.

1500 m., Puente Quencomayo, Calca

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge decipiens

Uncommon at 1050(higher?) m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: No similar species has the red basal dot VHW.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge papius papius

Rare at 1350 m., probably higher. Puddles; attracted to bait and spitwads.

Similar species: P. frona has conspicuous red on palpi; P. melanomerus has much shorter red stripes on thorax. I have no Cusco records of either species.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge hadassa hanga

Uncommon 1000-1200 m. Usually found puddling.

Similar species: Lacks red spots VHW shown by P. telassa croceimargo. Orange margin DHW much wider than P. h. pseudohadassa; D blacker than pseudohadassa and P. h. halma.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge hadassa pseudohadassa

Fairly common 1100-2150 m. Usually found puddling.

Similar species: Lacks red spots VHW shown by P. telassa croceimargo. Orange margin DHW narrower than other subspecies of P. hadassa (hanga and halma.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1100 m., Quebrada Honda, Calca

Pyrrhopyge hadassa halma

Fairly common 850-1550 m. Usually found puddling.

Similar species: Lacks red spots VHW shown by P. telassa croceimargo. Orange margin DHW wider than than P. h. pseudohadassa; D more coppery than hanga.

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Pyrrhopyge kelita

Uncommon 900-1500 m. Usually found puddling; also attracted to bait and spitwads.

Similar species: [none]

1200 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

(1550 m., La Paz, Bolivia)

Pyrrhopyge telassina shiva

Rare(?) at 1000(higher, lower?) m. Puddles.

Similar species: All subspecies of P. hadassa lack red basal spots VHW. P. telassa croceimargo lacks red on base of forelegs. Others?

1000 m., Illapani, La Convencion

1000 m., Illapani, La Convencion

Pyrrhopyge telassa croceimargo

Uncommon 1350-1950 m. Usually found puddling.

Similar species: All subspecies of P. hadassa lack red basal spots VHW. P. telassina shiva has red on base of forelegs. Others?

1950 m. Rocotal, Paucartambo

1550 m., Potrero Road, La Convencion

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