Troyus diversa

Rare(?) at 1600 m., perhaps more common in lowlands. Attracted to bait; occasionally puddles. The subspecies in Cusco is either drona or donga.

Similar species: [none]

1600 m., Madre Selva, La Convencion

T. d. donga
(1200 m., Pampa Hermosa, Junin)

Troyus fantasos

Uncommon(?) at 1100 m., probably lower. Perhaps restricted to drier valleys, but could occur throughout lowlands.

Similar species: [none?]

1100 m., Quebrada Honda, Calca

Troyus marcus

Uncommon(?) up to 600 m.

Similar species: V apparently identical to T. aurelius (I have no Cusco records), which has white on DHW extending widely from the central band to the tornus.

600 m. Mirador Pico de Hoz, Paucartambo

600 m. Mirador Pico de Hoz, Paucartambo

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