Greta andromica

Common 1100-2200 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: Most similar to the Greta sp.nov. shown below, which has a much less rufous around FW apex.

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Greta dercetis

Rare(?) at 1800 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: Yellow FW markings darker yellow than G. libethris. G. enigma koechlini is much more lightly marked on FW.

1800 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

Greta enigma koechlini

Uncommon 2100-2300 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: The most lightly marked Greta I've encountered in Cusco.

2250 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Greta gardneri

Rare(?) at 1950 m. Visits flowers. The subspecies in Cusco is apparently undescribed.

Similar species: ?

1950 m. Rocotal, Paucartambo

Greta libethris

Common 850-1350 m. Found at forest and edge; attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: [none]

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Greta sp.nov.

Rare(?) at 1350 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: Compare with G. andromica.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

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