Hamadryas chloe

Uncommon up to 850 m., probably more common in lowlands. Found inside forest, attracted to bait. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: Red spots in DHW cell are distinctive.

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

(400 m., Napo, Ecuador)

Hamadryas amphinome amphinome

Uncommon up 550 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: D similar to H. arinome (I have no Cusco records), but that species has just a few red spots VHW.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

Hamadryas feronia feronia

Uncommon(?) up to 1150 m.; seems more common in dry valleys but probably also in humid lowlands, especially in disturbed habitats. Usually found perched head-down on large tree trunks, like most Hamadryas.

Similar species: H. iphthime iphthime has two (not one) blue rings around each DHW submarginal eyespot; H. februa has a thin dark line circling each DHW submarginal eyespot, lacking in feronia.

550 m. Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

1000 m., Illapani, La Convencion

Hamadryas iphthime iphthime

Rare(?) up to 550 m., probably more common in remote lowland areas.

Similar species: Most similar to H. feronia feronia but has two blue rings around each DHW submarginal eyespot.

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

550 m. Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

Hamadryas februa

Fairly common 1000-2400 m., probably lower. Like most Hamadryas, usually found perched head-down on large tree trunks. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: This is the only Hamadryas in Cusco with brown crescents in each DHW submarginal eyespots; see H. feronia feronia for other differences.

2400 m., Pichuymarca, Anta

1000 m., Quillabamba, La Convencion

1000 m., Quillabamba, La Convencion

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