Panyapedaliodes drymaea

Common 2700-3000 m., probably higher. Puddles. Probably found throughout around treeline.

Similar species: V less richly coloured than similar species, and with FW apex more angular.

2950 m., ACP San Luis, La Convencion

2800 m., Marcapata, Quispicanchi

Panyapedaliodes muscosa

Common 2000-2950 m. Puddles, attracted to bait.

Similar species: V has more reddish colouring than P. drymaea; note also fairly continuous pale discal line VHW.

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

2750 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Panyapedaliodes silpa

Uncommon 2750-2950 m. Puddles, attracted to bait.

Similar species: V has a conspicuous and irregular black post-discal line, unlike similar species.

2950 m., Pillahuata, Paucartambo

Panyapedaliodes phila

Fairly common 2700(lower?)-2950 m. Puddles; attracted to bait. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: Any potentially similar Pedaliodes species have less a mottled VHW pattern.

2950 m., Pillahuata, Paucartambo

2950 m., Pillahuata, Paucartambo

Panyapedaliodes puma

Uncommon 2700-2950 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

2700 m., Pillahuata, Paucartambo

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