Vanessa braziliensis

Common 1350(lower?)-3900 m. Attracted to flowers and mud. Very widespread and usually the most common Vanessa; could be encountered anywhere but perhaps not in true lowlands.

Similar species: V. altissima can be very similar but generally has a thicker, straighter black post-median line DHW. See also V. carye.

2750 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

2700 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Vanessa altissima

Uncommon 2850-3900 m. Attracted to flowers and mud.

Similar species: See C. braziliensis and V. carye.

3900 m., Pumamarca, Cusco

2850 m., Ollantaytambo, Urubamba

Vanessa carye

Fairly common 3100(lower?)-3600 m., probably higher. Attracted to flowers and mud.

Similar species: Orange (not white) subapical patch DFW distinctive; V more mottled than others.

3600 m., Soraypampa, Anta

3600 m., Acjanaco, Paucartambo

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