Adelpha serpa diadochus

Fairly common 700-1100 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: Similar to A. margarita (probably higher elevations; I have no Cusco records) and A. hyas diadochus but lines crossing veins in marginal markings (D and V), not just streaks parallel to veins.

700 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha hyas viracocha

Uncommon 1000-1500 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: See A. serpa diadochus. A. margarita (I have no Cusco records) has a darkened area in the middle part of the VHW margin.

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha alala negra

Common 900-2200 m. Puddles; attracted to bait. The amount of orange DFW is highly variable.

Similar species: The two white dashes distal of cell DFW (also visible though, less conspicuous, on V) are distinctive.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

2200 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

1500 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha aricia aricia

Uncommon 1500-2950 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Lacks pair of white dashes DFW of A. alala negra.

2000 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

2700 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

2400 m., Pillahuata, Paucartambo

Adelpha plesaure phliassa

Uncommon up to 1050 m., probably more common in lowlands. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Shape of orange band DFW is distinctive.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha thoasa thoasa

Rare(?) at 1500 m., probably lower. Puddles; attracted to bait. Other subspecies may occur elsewhere in Cusco.

Similar species: The two white dashes DFW are unique among similarly patterned species.

1500 m., Puente Quencomayo, Calca

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

Adelpha thessalia thessalia

Fairly common 1050-2250 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: The squarish shape of the orange DFW patch is distinctive.

1600 m., Madre Selva, La Convencion

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha iphiclus iphiclus

Common up to 1050 m. Attracted to bait; puddles.

Similar species: The shape of the orange DFW patch, with a hook 'hanging' off it, is distinctive.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha melona leucocoma

Uncommon up to 1050 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha epione agilla

Fairly common 850-1350 m. Attracted to bait; occasionally puddles.

Similar species: [none]

1150 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

Adelpha cytherea cytherea

Fairly common up to 1050 m. Found in a variety of habitats, especially secondary forest. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1000 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha viola pseudococala

Rare at 1050 m., probably higher and lower. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: Superficially recalls several others with orange 'crab-claws' DFW, but none has the extra line near distal end of FW cell (more conspicuous on V).

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha salmoneus colada

Uncommon 1050-1350 m. Most often found inside forest; attracted to bait.

Similar species: No Adelpha with a similar D pattern has the extra line near distal end of FW cell (more conspicuous on V, where it is a black line within a small white area).

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha fabricia

Uncommon up to 850 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Recalls several others, perhaps especially A. sichaeus, but the combination on VFW of a split post-discal spot in space 2 and a reduced submarginal spot (compared with those above and below it) in space 3 is unique.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

Adelpha capucinus capucinus

Uncommon up to 1050 m., probably common in lowlands. Attracted to bait; occasionally puddles.

Similar species: Similar to many others. Identified by large lowest orange apical spot DFW combined with a split post-discal spot in space 2 VFW.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha naxia naxia

Rare up to 1050 m., probably somewhat more common in lowlands. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: A. barnesia (I have no Cusco records) is similarly patterned but the orange patch DFW is shaped differently, extending into space 3.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

Adelpha malea aethalia

Rare(?) up to 550 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to bait and occasionally puddles.

Similar species: Has a split pale post-discal spot in space 2 VFW, like A. fabricia and A. capucinus capucinus, but lowest orange apical spot DFW is small to absent (like fabricia) and submarginal spot in space 3 VFW is the same size as those above and below it (like capucinus).

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

Adelpha boeotia boeotia

Fairly common up to 1350 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: Very straight and continuous dark orange line dividing discal and post-discal pale areas VFW is distinctive; many others have this line curved or broken, while A. cocala cocala lacks pale markings in post-discal area. See also A. jordani which has a superficially similar V pattern.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha ximena ximena

Unommon up to 1350 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: Outer edge of orange band DFW is scalloped and parallels the wing margin; compare this with superficially similar A. boreas boreas.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha delinita delinita

Common 1000-1350 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Confusing and undistinguished. Note that the white post-discal dashes VHW are largest in the middle of the wing and fade upwards, unlike similarly-marked species.

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha erotia erotia

Uncommon up to 1500 m. Attracted to bait. Two forms with very different D patterns exist (see images); all the individuals I've seen in Cusco have the DFW with a solid white band and a separate orange apical patch. V is similar on both forms.

Similar species: Note the large, solid pale spot in space 3 VFW and the three bold rows of white markings on outer part of VHW. See very similar A. messana delphicola.

1500 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

(650 m., Tingo Maria, Huanuco)

Adelpha messana delphicola

Rare(?) up to 550 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Similar to several others; note solid spot in space 3 VFW, with an adjacent well-marked post-discal spot. Most similar to A. erotia erotia: the row of white dashes distal of the white band VFW is even width throughout, or widest at top, in messana; the 2nd and 3rd dashes from the top are widest in erotia.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

Adelpha thesprotia

Uncommon up to 850 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Not distinctive. No other species has a large solid pale patch in space 3 VFW with an faded adjacent submarginal spot other than A. attica (I have no Cusco records); attica has a broad, nearly solid band basal of the white band VHW among other differences.

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

(230 m., Lago Soledad, Madre de Dios)

Adelpha mesentina

Uncommon up to 1050 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

700 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

Adelpha lycorias lara

Fairly common 1050-2200 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: [none]

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha sichaeus

Common 750-1450 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Similar to several others but note the very contrasting V pattern including a wide dark area distal from white band VHW. Cf especially A. justina valentina which is common in the same areas; it has a less contrasting V pattern, lacking a bold line separating discal and post-discal pale markings VFW.

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha boreas boreas

Common up to 1350 m.; probably less common (absent?) in true lowlands. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: D recalls A. ximena ximena but note that the outer edge of the orange band DFW runs from post-discal area at costa to the tornus, not paralleling the wing margin as in ximena.

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

Adelpha cocala cocala

Fairly common up to 1050 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to bait.

Similar species: VFW pattern, with the straight divide between pale discal and orange post-discal area, is unique; compare with A. boeotia boeotia. On D, 'bulged' appearance of orange band DFW can be useful.

1050 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1050 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha irmina tumida

Fairly common 850-2150 m. Attracted to bait; puddles.

Similar species: Very similar to A. zina irma; best told by VHW where zina has a more or less complete row of marginal white dashes and irmina has just three white spots near apex; irmina has V pattern generally more sharply marked and contrasting. See also A. salmoneus colada and A. saundersii which have obvious differences on V but can be very similar to irmina on D.

1450 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

2000 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha saundersii saundersii

Uncommon at 2150 m., probably lower. Attracted to bait. Intergrades with helepecki might occur.

Similar species: Extensive yellow on V distinguishes saundersii from similar species. Subspecies helepecki has yellow in submarginal area VHW extending up to costa, not only below space 4 as in saundersii.

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Adelpha saundersii helepecki

Fairly common 1100-1950 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: Extensive yellow on V, especially VHW, distinctive. See saundersii for differences between subspecies.

1850 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

1850 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

Adelpha argentea

Uncommon 1150-1500 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: D recalls several others, but bold V pattern is unmistakable.

1500 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1500 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Adelpha coryneta

Locally fairly common 1500-2150 m. Restricted to drier valleys, though found in cloud forest within these areas. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: DFW with large, tapered orange apical patch is distinctive; note that the orange patch is separate from the white band, not touching as in A. cytherea cytherea. V is also unique.

(1900 m., Abra Marancunca, Puno)

1850 m., Portrero Road, La Convencion

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Adelpha jordani

Uncommon up to 1100 m., probably more common in lowlands. Attracted to bait. I have twice encountered apparent hybrids with A. zina irma.

Similar species: V pattern vaguely recalls A. boeotia boeotia, but note rounded HW and single orange apical spot DFW.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Apparent hybrid with A. zina irma
1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Apparent hybrid with A. zina irma
1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha zina irma

Common 700-1350 m. Puddles; attracted to bait. Presence of orange apical spots DFW is variable. I have twice encountered apparent hybrids with A.jordani.

Similar species: V pattern plainer than similar species; see A. salmoneus colada, A. saundersii and especially A. irmina tumida, all of which have similar D pattern.

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

750 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Apparent hybrid with A. jordani
700 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

Adelpha justina valentina

Common 1050-1350 m. Attracted to bait.

Similar species: A. sichaeus is similar and common in the same areas, but has a wider orange band DFW and a more strongly marked V including an obvious dark line dividing pale discal and post-discal areas VFW. See also A. olynthia.

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Adelpha olynthia

Fairly common, at times common, 1350-2200 m. Puddles; attracted to bait.

Similar species: White line HW is much narrower than similar species; compare especially with A. justina valentina.

1600 m., Madre Selva, La Convencion

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

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