Dione glycera

Common 2000-3400 m., probably higher; uncommon lower, down to at least 1350 m. Puddles; attracted to flowers. Found in open areas.

Similar species: DHW lacks yellow tone and nearly solid black margin of D. moneta. Compare also with Agraulis vanillae.

2000 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Dione moneta

Rare at 1500 m., probably lower. Puddles; attracted to bait. Found in open areas. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: DHW has a nearly solid black margin and is mostly yellowish, contrasting with DFW base; compare with D. glycera.

(1050 m., Oventeni, Ucayali)

1500 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Dione juno

Farily common up to 1200 m.; up to 2350 m. in dry valleys. Puddles; attracted to bait and flowers. Found in open areas. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: [none]

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

650 m., Coloradito, Paucartambo

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